Rest is Productive

I remember when I first started working about 20 years ago (what a big number, story for another day), I preferred to take my annual leave in February instead of December – to avoid the crowds of children and parents and the chaos as a result of everyone trying to keep their kids entertained over the December holidays. Oh how things have changed. Having become a mom almost 11 years ago, I am now so finished by end November, that my December break is welcomed with everything in me. The school runs, excursions, extramurals sometimes feels like a full-time job in itself. I consider it privilege that I can be present for this but oof, I ain’t gonna pretend it isn’t taxing. Juggling this with my own work that I thoroughly enjoy, spending quality time with friends and family and just filling my own cup with things I enjoy is no mean feat. 

My 10yo daughter, who knows that I love to work and feel good about being productive, asked me one Sunday morning earlier this month  if today is going to be a productive day. To which I very quickly responded, Yes! Today we are going to rest and do nothing and that is also productive. In fact, I’d even venture to say that rest is likely the greatest contributor to productivity.

My downtime allows my mind to recoup, my body to reboot and focus to readjust. I am then able to intentionally move forward in the direction of constructive progress and less on autopilot. 

So if you feel guilty for switching your phone off, deactivating email notifications or not being available around the clock – just know that your value is not based on those things. It ought not to be. It ought to be based on the quality of your contributions during reasonable timeframes. Exponential growth phase notwithstanding. 

Take the time off and make sure you thoroughly entrench yourself in it. You deserve it! 

Stay safe and we will catch you in the new year.

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